Tagged: Festivals

26th Annual Wendish Fest

September 28, 2014 Wendish Fest is coming up! It is scheduled for Sunday, September 28 on the grounds of the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum and St. Paul Lutheran Church picnic grounds. The daylong event begins with church services at St. Paul Lutheran Church at 8:30 a.m. (English worship...

Wendish Noodle Recipe

Recipe One egg One half egg shell of water (about 3 tablespoons) One and one-half to two cups of flour Beat egg and water together. Add a sprinkle of salt and enough flour to form a stiff dough. Roll out thin on a pastry cloth. Let stand to...

Women in Wendish Booth at 1973 Texas Folklife Festival

Women in Wendish Booth

Photograph of Emma Wuensche (left) and Mary Schimank, standing in the Wendish Gallery booth, at the second annual Texas Folklife Festival. The booth is sponsored by the Wendish Culture Club; one woman is holding a piece of wood that says, “Texas Wends 1854-1973.” Lace doilies for sale are...

Woman Preparing Wendish Noodles

Photograph of a woman making Wendish noodles at the Texas Folklife Festival. She is wearing a bonnet, sunglasses, a shawl, and a checkered skirt. She is scooping up some noodles out of a large pot in front of her. Other pots and pans are also visible on the...