The Art of Decorating Wendish Easter Eggs



This book was written and illustrated by Texas Wend, Daphne Dalton Garrett. This paper-back book is a comprehensive look at how to decorate the unique and beautiful Wendish Easter eggs. Garrett was intrigued by these eggs and set out to learn the Wendish techniques and record them so that others could learn.

Contents: Introduction (decorated eggs), Part I (basic materials & procedure): The eggs, the dye. Part II (The decoration): wax technique, scratch technique, acid technique. Part III (designs). Part IV: Suggested Procedure, Traditions in Texas, and Appendixes. Appendixes are Sources of Supplies, Recipe for Wendish Egg Noodles, and sources of further information.

Copyright, 1987 by Daphne Dalton Garrett

87-403586                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Second Printing, 1991                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Third Printing, 1999 (with minor revisions)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fourth Printing, 2002

This book can be difficult to find and is often very expensive when resold. It is available and affordable at the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum where Daphne served as an archivist from 1985-1997.


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