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Volunteer Corner

We are so pleased to have a NEW GROUP OF VOLUNTEERS who have joined our “regulars” to assist with the assembling and mailing of our newsletters. 7th & 8th Grade students of St. Paul Lutheran School are fulfilling these responsibilities as a class project. They are joined by...

It Pays to Advertise – and to Read Ads

Robert Wuchatsch, a researcher and writer of Australian Wends, found about a dozen notices placed in the classified section of the 1854 Budissiner Nachrichten several months prior to the departure of the Ben Nevis migrants. These little advertisements show once again that every bit of evidence, no matter...

Family History Workshop

The first of four planned Family History Workshops for 2015 is scheduled for Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Weldon Mersiovsky will be on hand to help you get started on your own family history search, or help you solve...

General Membership Meeting

Please join us at the museum on Sunday, February 15 for our first membership meeting of 2015. Following a brief business meeting, Ken Kesselus, Mayor of the City of Bastrop, will present a program on reconstruction after the Civil War. Serbin was part of Bastrop County for 20...

Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale

The annual Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale to benefit the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum will be held on Tuesday, February 10 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church in Giddings, across the street from the Schubert-Fletcher Museum and northeast of...

Home and Farms in Klitten (since 1588) by Georg Alpermann

Texas Wends, especially those who trace their families back to Prussia, should consult Dr. Georg Alpermann’s book, Höfe und Bauern in Klitten (Homes and Farms In Klitten) for possible information about their own family. It identifies homes and farms in the villages of Klitten, Jahmen, Dürrbach, Kringelsdorf, Ölsa,...

A New Membership Record!

We have set a new membership record  of 1,211, breaking the old record of 1,155 set last year. In 2001 our membership stood at 395, and that number has now tripled. In 12 of the last 13 years, we have set new records and this year we added 5 new...

The Last Voyage of the Brig Reform

By 1853 many Old Lutherans had left Europe for Australia and the United States. This article tells the story of thirty-five Wends who had initially planned to go to Australia, but in July of 1853, changed their minds and instead sailed to Galveston, Texas.1 The thirty-five were the...

Family History Workshop

The next chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky will be on Saturday, November 22 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple....

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at the museum complex. Following a brief business meeting and election of board members, the party will commence with a Christmas carol sing-along and lots of good refreshments. Bring a plate of your favorite holiday sweet...