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TWHS Scholarship Awards

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded a 2015-16 Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship! Mason Becker – Texas A&M – Agribusiness Ranae Zoch – University of Northern Colorado – Bachelor of Science/Business Administration/Finance Brent Perry – Texas A&M – Petroleum Engineering Ashley Becker – Texas A&M Corpus Christi...

Family History Workshop

The next chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky will be on Saturday, November 21 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple....

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at the museum complex.  Following a brief business meeting and election of officers, the party will commence with a Christmas carol sing-along and lots of good refreshments. Bring a plate of your favorite holiday sweet or...

Volunteer Corner

Success for a nonprofit relies on the dedicated efforts of VOLUNTEERS. TWHS is blessed with men, women, young adults, and children who volunteer many hours to its many projects, programs and activities. Of great importance is WENDISH FEST. The number of people who volunteered in the planning, preparing...

Note from the Executive Director

With another great Wendish Fest in the books, we move on with other exciting things. During the next quarter we will prepare for the holidays, welcome four new volunteers, continue fall gardening, host around a dozen tours, partner with tourism professionals to offer overnight tour packages for the...

Wendish Research Exchange

To all current members of the Texas Wendish Heritage Society: You are entitled to access the Wendish family tree in the Genealogy section of the Wendish Research Exchange! Click the “Genealogy” tab at the top of the first screen, and then click “continue” at the bottom of the...

St. Peter Lutheran Church at Serbin and Rev. Johann Pallmer

In the two previous issues of the TWHS Newsletter, I attempted to show how the religious environments of Prussia and Saxony contributed to the creation of the first St. Peter church in Serbin. While this first separatist group remained small and the congregation was short-lived (1858 to 1867),...

Fedor Soder Research

Many people of Wendish descent know the name Fedor Soder, the man who gave his name to the community of Fedor, Texas. Dr. George Nielsen, Rev Gotthilf Birkmann, Rev. Robert Hartfield, and Dr. George Engerrand, among others, have mentioned him in their research. Thought to be Jewish, he...