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Serbin Homecoming Picnic

The 2016 Serbin Homecoming Picnic will be Sunday, May 29 on the picnic grounds of St. Paul Lutheran Church. It will be a fun day of worship, fellowship, and the best barbecue in town. Come early – before the barbecue is gone! The Museum will open at 10:00 that morning,...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program (2016-2017)

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the 2016-17 school year. The scholarship program was established to encourage students of Wendish descent to learn more about and develop an appreciation for their Wendish heritage. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school for 2016-17. In addition, applicants...

Museum Workday

A workday is scheduled for May 21, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Focus of the work will be repairing chinking on some of the Kurio cabin logs, and cleaning the grounds and buildings in preparation for the Serbin Homecoming Picnic. If you want to come join the fun, bring a sack...

Family History Workshop

The next Family History Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the museum. Weldon Mersiovsky will be on hand to assist with your research and answer all your questions. The registration fee is $15 per person or $25 per couple, which...

Texas Wendish Heritage Museum flyer graphic

Walk-In Coffee

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall (across from Schubert-Fletcher House) Giddings, Texas Free Will Donation Sponsored by and benefiting the Texas Wendish Heritage Society & Museum Sandwiches, chips and desserts will be available To place take out order call 979-540-8132...

Scholarship Program Fundraiser graphic

Scholarship Program Fundraiser

Sunday January 24, 2016 DRIVE-THRU      TO-GO ONLY Pick-Up 10:00am to 12:30pm Wendish Museum @ Serbin, Texas MENU: Cup of Wendish Bird Wedding Soup To Go Plate: Pork Steak – Wendish Noodles – Green Beans – Corn – Pickles – Peaches – Homemade Bread TICKETS $9.00      PRESALE...

2016 Calendar

Board Meeting Membership meeting Family History Workshop January 9 February 21 February 27 April 9 May 15 May 21 July 9 August 21 August 27 October 8 November 20 November 19 JANUARY Log Cabin Work Day – 23rd Scholarship Fundraiser – 24th Ptaci Kwas Program St. Paul School...

Chuck Dube helping curators from the Bullock Texas State History Museum remove the Kasper trunk for transport to Austin

In and Around the Museum

Last July, we were honored to receive a request from exhibition curators with the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin who expressed an interest in creating a display to showcase the story of the Texas Wends in their Cultural Crossroads case. Exhibition experts from the Bullock Museum...