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Wendish Research Exchange

The following is another letter discovered in the digitally archived issues of the “Serbske Nowiny” – the Upper Sorbian-language newspaper that our ancestors read. I wish to thank Dr. Gerald Stone for translating the article into English. “Serbske Nowiny”. 15 July 1871. pages 221-222. A Letter from America....

The Household of Faith

Helping fellow members of the faith has a long history with the Texas Wends. Both German and Wendish newspaper articles that reported the departure of the 1854 migration from the Bautzen train station also stated that the poorer immigrants received financial support from those who were well-to-do. And...

Note from the Executive Director

Greetings! What a busy quarter we have had with visitors and events! We continue to have a significant number of tour groups – most requesting a meal (sausage, sauerkraut, homemade noodles, etc.), which is a real treat for them! Noodle sales are brisk and are anticipated to continue...

President’s Message

It’s finally October and the fall season has arrived! We’ve been busy around the museum the past three months. Along with planning and preparation for Wendish Fest, we’ve also hosted numerous visitors and tour groups and attended meetings and conferences. Joyce Bise and Raymond and Sandra Matthijetz represented...

Quarterly Membership Meeting

November 20, 2016, 2:00 pm Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at the museum complex. A brief business meeting will be held, we will elect board members to fill positions that expire at the end of this year, and we will also...

Volunteer Corner

We happily say Witajće k’ nam to our newest “Noodle Lady” – Linda Jones. Linda and her husband Jack, reside near Serbin, and are members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Linda follows in her mother’s footsteps as a noodle volunteer! We also gratefully say THANK YOU to all...

Holiday Gift Ideas

MAKE 2016 HOLIDAY SHOPPING EASY! Let us help you with your holiday shopping & shipping. We are offering Wendish gift boxes shipped from the museum to those on your gift lists. Gift boxes could include such items as a Wendish cap, t-shirt, bag of Wendish noodles, handmade ornaments,...

Texas Historical Foundation Gift Assists Wendish Museum

The Texas Historical Foundation, a 62-year old preservation organization, has announced a grant to the Texas Wendish Hertiage Society. THF President Bruce Elsom and Lauren Vienne, the organization’s grant manager, presented the financial gift on Friday, July 29th. The donation will provide funds to support the development of...

Andrew Urban, Builder and Craftsman

Andrew (Andreas) Urban, A Wendish Craftsman Introduction by Dr. George Nielsen, Special Features Editor One aspect of Wendish life that is generally ignored in Wendish studies is the daily activity of making a living. While most Wends took up farming, there were also some who became craftsmen. One...

Quarterly Membership Meeting

In 1834, a German immigrant to Texas, D.T.F. (Detlef Thomas Friedrich) Jordt, aka Detlef Dunt, wrote and published a book entitled, Reise nach Texas, in which he described Texas as “a land which puts riches in (the immigrant’s) lap, which can bring happiness to thousands and to their...