Category: Traditions
It Must Be The Noodles
It’s been quite a while since I’ve had time to think about our Wendish preoccupation with our heritage, our history and our specialness. In a previous column, I decided it had to be the noodles, because we are so proud of our yellow, egg-rich Wendish noodles (you can...
Wendish Noodle Recipe
Recipe One egg One half egg shell of water (about 3 tablespoons) One and one-half to two cups of flour Beat egg and water together. Add a sprinkle of salt and enough flour to form a stiff dough. Roll out thin on a pastry cloth. Let stand to...
The Birds’ Wedding – Ptaci Kwas – Vogelhochzeit
This is one track from a CD produced in 2003 by the Texas Wendish Heritage Society. The narration on this track is by Georgie Boyce, past president and photo archivist. Contact the museum for more information or for pricing information.
Folklore and Festivals of the Wends
Birds’ Wedding (Ptači kwas •• Vogel Hochzeit) In the evening before January 25 children would place empty plates outside and the next morning would find the plates filled with candy or cookies supposedly left for them by the birds, who were said to be celebrating their wedding and...