Category: Traditions

Wends Featured in Texas Co-op Power Magazine

The Texas Wendish Heritage Society was invited to do a featured article by our friends at Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative in the March 2022 Texas Co-op Power Magazine. Bluebonnet’s team came out to the museum where they interviewed Marian Wiederhold and Sandra Matthijetz about their Wendish heritage with a...

The Wendish Wedding Blessing of 1866 from Serbin

A Wendish Wedding Blessing of 1866 from Serbin, Texas

The following article was written by Trudla Malinkowa for an issue of the Sorbian cultural magazine Rozhlad. Her original article was written in Wendish; however, she graciously translated the original to German, and David Goeke translated the German to English. We express our sincere gratitude to Trudla for sharing her...

Wendish Culture Being Reinvented in Serbin

Few could have imagined that the small Wendish Culture Club chartered by five women in the early 1970s would blossom into today’s Texas Wendish Heritage Society and one of the most important Wendish gatherings outside of Germany. It’s a long way from Budyšin to Serbin, and it’s a...

Bonnets Display


When I started making bonnets over five years ago, I would draft a pattern for each of the bonnets in our Museum collection or of the bonnets loaned to me for our exhibit. I would then sew the bonnet and model it for my family. My husband, Chuck,...