Category: Scholarships

TWHS Scholarship Fundraiser Meal on January 26

Come out and be a part of the annual Texas Wendish Heritage Society’s Scholarship Fundraiser Meal on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at the Serbin Picnic Grounds. All proceeds benefit the TWHS Scholarship Fund and we would love to have your support! Each meal ticket comes with: grilled pork...

Online Scholarship Fundraiser T-Shirt Sale!

We are working hard to get another fundraiser meal put together, as we had to cancel the annual one back in January. In the meantime, please visit our Etsy store (linked below) to purchase a Wendish Culture Club T-shirt designed by volunteer, Jeremy Clifton! Proceeds from the sale...

Scholarship Program Fundraiser

Sunday January 27, 2019 DRIVE-THRU TO-GO ONLY Pick-Up 10:00am to 12:30pm Wendish Museum @ Serbin, Texas MENU: Cup of Wendish Bird Wedding Soup – Pork Steak – Wendish Noodles – Green Beans – Corn – Pickles – Peaches – Homemade Bread TICKETS $10.00 PRESALE ONLY Available Through Wednesday,...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

The scholarship program was established to encourage students of Wendish descent to learn more about and develop an appreciation for their Wendish heritage. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school for 2018-19. In addition, applicants and their parents must also be members of...

Preserving a Culture

Students who applied for a 2016-17 Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship were asked to write an essay that cited an example of something from his or her knowledge of Wendish culture, background, or family heritage that is unique to the Wends. Each applicant was asked to describe how he/she...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the 2017-18 school year. The scholarship program was established to encourage students of Wendish descent to learn more about and develop an appreciation for their Wendish heritage. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

The special fund drive for 2017 aims to raise funds for our Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship program. If you received a membership renewal letter last November, you also were given the opportunity to donate additional funds to the scholarship program along with your membership renewal. Many of our...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program (2016-2017)

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the 2016-17 school year. The scholarship program was established to encourage students of Wendish descent to learn more about and develop an appreciation for their Wendish heritage. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school for 2016-17. In addition, applicants...

Scholarship Program Fundraiser graphic

Scholarship Program Fundraiser

Sunday January 24, 2016 DRIVE-THRU      TO-GO ONLY Pick-Up 10:00am to 12:30pm Wendish Museum @ Serbin, Texas MENU: Cup of Wendish Bird Wedding Soup To Go Plate: Pork Steak – Wendish Noodles – Green Beans – Corn – Pickles – Peaches – Homemade Bread TICKETS $9.00      PRESALE...