Category: News

Union Pacific Grant Photo

President’s Message

“Wón njeje tu – Wón žiwy je!” “He is not here – He is alive!” We wish you a blessed Easter season. After an extremely short winter season – temperature-wise – spring is in full swing and we are busy hosting tour groups and visitors. In addition, numerous...

Amelie Boerger gets a visit from Rumplich

In and Around the Museum

As announced in the last issue of our newsletter, we were awarded a grant from the Texas Historical Foundation to support the development of a collection of visual media for an interactive display that will be installed in the Peter Building. Since receiving the award, we have purchased a tablet...

Note from the Executive Director

Blessings to y’all for 2017! We are starting off to another great year here at the museum. Typically visitation is down during the holidays but we have enjoyed a steady stream of folks coming to see what we are all about. Part of this attention is coming from publications such...

President’s Message

Strowe Nowe Lĕto! (Happy New Year)! It is hard to believe that 2016 is already behind us and another year has begun. What seems to me to have been just yesterday was really one year ago, when most of 2016 was still in the future. As we moved through 2016, we were...

In and Around the Museum

In late July, TWHS was awarded a grant from the Texas Historical Foundation, a 62-year old preservation organization. The grant will provide funds to support the development of a collection of visual media, which will be used in a planned interactive display that will be installed in the...

Galveston Heritage Festival

2016 Galveston Heritage Festival

The Galveston Historical Foundation celebrated its rich heritage with the second annual Galveston Heritage Festival, which recognized the people and cultures that came to Galveston in the 1800’s and beyond. Known as the “Ellis Island of the West,” Galveston’s port was the point of entry for many immigrants...

Note from the Executive Director

Greetings! What a busy quarter we have had with visitors and events! We continue to have a significant number of tour groups – most requesting a meal (sausage, sauerkraut, homemade noodles, etc.), which is a real treat for them! Noodle sales are brisk and are anticipated to continue...

President’s Message

It’s finally October and the fall season has arrived! We’ve been busy around the museum the past three months. Along with planning and preparation for Wendish Fest, we’ve also hosted numerous visitors and tour groups and attended meetings and conferences. Joyce Bise and Raymond and Sandra Matthijetz represented...

Note from the Executive Director

Happy summer everyone – No doubt it’s here! Thankfully the rains soaked everything so we haven’t lost the beauty in our garden. Lilies and roses are still blooming. This year brought an abundance of Schreck-Kräuter, which tells a popular story for visitors. A visitor from 2015 called the...

President’s Message

Seems we’ve slid headfirst into the dog days of summer after a longer-than-usual spring season that also brought rain by the bucket-loads. Those who operate hay cutters and balers in Lee County have been very busy lately cutting and baling what is reported to be a bumper crop....