Category: Events

Wendish Fest Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring the 36th Annual Wendish Fest? The Texas Wendish Heritage Society’s Wendish Fest falls on September 22, 2024 this year and takes place from 10AM-5PM at the Serbin Picnic Grounds. If your business is interested in sponsoring the Wendish Fest, contact or call 979-366-2441 to...

Wendish Museum Class Interest Forms

Since photos came out on our Facebook page following last Saturday’s Coffee Cake Baking Class with Joyce Jenke, we have been inundated with requests to be added to a list for next time a class is offered and to host online classes. We have put together some Google...

Wends Featured on the Gravy Podcast

We were pleased to host podcaster, Evan Stern back in September for Wendish Fest. He did a wonderful job of capturing Wendish Fest, Wendish noodles, and life in and around Serbin for the podcast, Gravy. We hope you will give it a listen. You might even hear some...

Annual TWHS Fish Fry Fundraiser

We hope y’all can make it out for a delicious fish plate that supports the efforts of the Texas Wendish Heritage Society. See the flyer for details and call or email with any questions. Thank you for your support!

TWHS Scholarship Fundraiser

Please join us for our annual Scholarship Fundraiser Meal Sale featuring Bird Wedding Soup & pork steak on January 22nd. Proceeds benefit our scholarship program and we’d love to have your support. You can reserve your plates by phone or email ( or buy tickets at the museum....