Category: Announcements

Freddie Zoch of Warda, Texas

Volunteer Corner

The Texas Wendish Heritage Society has been blessed throughout the years with many volunteers. Among those who willingly give of their time to help with our museum and many other important chores are some who continue to go above and beyond in their dedication to help us preserve...

Membership Day – Sunday March 26, 2017

Don’t miss this day of food, fellowship, learning and fun for TWHS members and their families!!! Feel free to invite non members as your guest. Attendees may choose to participate for the entire day or choose activity times to accommodate their individual schedules. Bi annual Membership Days replace...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

The special fund drive for 2017 aims to raise funds for our Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship program. If you received a membership renewal letter last November, you also were given the opportunity to donate additional funds to the scholarship program along with your membership renewal. Many of our...

Museum Workday

A workday is scheduled for Saturday, February 25 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Projects to accomplish may include a general grounds clean-up or work on one of the log cabins. Bring your work gloves and join us!

Strowe Nowe Lèto!

Membership Days 2017 to Feature Food, Fellowship and Fun! The Texas Wendish Heritage Society Board of Directors and members present for the November 20, 2016 membership meeting approved an amendment to TWHS by-laws to change the number of membership meetings from four per year to twice per year...

2017 is TWHS’ 45th Anniversary as a Society

Five years ago, for our 40th anniversary, we honored the five women who started our society by encouraging everyone to wear bonnets and hats to our events that year. These five women wore bonnets at the Folklife Festival and made them to sell in their booth. We developed a large display consisting of the...

Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with us at our annual Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale to benefit the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum on Tuesday, February 14 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. The event will be in the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church in Giddings, across the street from the...

Family History Workshops for 2017

The first of four planned Family History Workshops for 2017 is scheduled for Saturday, February 11 at 9:00 am in the Peter Building at the TWHS museum complex. Weldon Mersiovsky will be on hand to help you get started on your own family history search, or help you solve a...

Volunteer Corner

Activities, tours, events, etc. are quickly filling up our museum schedule for 2017! Visitation continues to be steady with both new and repeat visitors coming to learn about what we offer in the world of Wendish. With attention coming from publication features, Facebook, websites, TripAdvisor, historic preservation blogs,...

Reformation Trip with Wendish Territory Option

“Wendish Territory” Pre-Tour Option — May 5-9, 2017 “In the Footsteps of Martin Luther and the Reformation 2017″— May 9-17, 2017 The 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 is a good time for a trip to Germany to revisit the life and ministry of Martin Luther. This...