Category: Announcements

Family History Workshop

We are offering another chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky, who has many years’ experience in conducting genealogy research. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple. Bring a sack lunch, your laptop, and...

Serbin Homecoming Picnic

May 25, 2014 St. Paul Lutheran Church picnic grounds. Enjoy great barbecue, fellowship, and have a tour of the museum while you are here. For more information, contact St. Paul Lutheran Church at 979-366-9650.

2014 Family History Workshops

February 22, 2014 May 24, 2014 August 23, 2014 November 22, 2014 Bring a sack lunch and your laptop, copy of your family tree or other records to help us help you. We can get you started in your family history search or help you solve a puzzle....

Lehman Foundation Grant

Good News!!!  TWHS was recently awarded a grant from the Lehman Foundation to help fund a project to renovate and enlarge the Kilian Building, one of 5 buildings that comprise our Museum complex.  The Kilian Building houses the kitchen where noodles are made, and is also the space...

The Joys of Being Wendish, Festival and All

The New York Times recently published an article featuring the Texas Wendish Heritage Society. This article, written by Corrie MacLaggan for The Texas Tribune, is entitled The Joys of Being Wendish, Festival and All. Several festival attendees are briefly interviewed, including Evelyn Buchhorn, Russell Schwausch, Dwight Nitsche, George...

Membership Update

For 2013, we set a new membership record – reaching 1,157 members, which is the 11th time in 12 years that we have broken that record.  In 2001, we had only 395 members; now we have members from 40 U.S. states and 6 foreign countries.  Our dues are...

First Wendish History and Knowledge Extravaganza

Our sister-site, The Wendish Research Exchange, has dedicated a special section to coverage of 2013’s Wendish History and Knowledge Extravaganza. Be sure to view video of Dr. George Nielsen’s presentation. Presented on March 16th, 2013 in Serbin, Texas, the WHKE provided attendees with a plethora of educational opportunities in a...

Response to Lost in a Wendish Land of Legends

The Texas Wendish Heritage Society appreciates Lost In a Wendish Land of Legends, produced by class 9b of the Niedersorbisches Gymnasium school of Cottbus, Germany. Here is a video response to express our appreciation, and to provide a brief tour of our museum and the surrounding area.