Category: Announcements

Family History Workshop

The first of four planned Family History Workshops for 2015 is scheduled for Saturday, February 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Weldon Mersiovsky will be on hand to help you get started on your own family history search, or help you solve...

General Membership Meeting

Please join us at the museum on Sunday, February 15 for our first membership meeting of 2015. Following a brief business meeting, Ken Kesselus, Mayor of the City of Bastrop, will present a program on reconstruction after the Civil War. Serbin was part of Bastrop County for 20...

Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale

The annual Walk-in Coffee and Bake Sale to benefit the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum will be held on Tuesday, February 10 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church in Giddings, across the street from the Schubert-Fletcher Museum and northeast of...

A New Membership Record!

We have set a new membership record  of 1,211, breaking the old record of 1,155 set last year. In 2001 our membership stood at 395, and that number has now tripled. In 12 of the last 13 years, we have set new records and this year we added 5 new...

Family History Workshop

The next chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky will be on Saturday, November 22 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple....

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at the museum complex. Following a brief business meeting and election of board members, the party will commence with a Christmas carol sing-along and lots of good refreshments. Bring a plate of your favorite holiday sweet...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

We are pleased to announce the Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship program sponsored by the Texas Wendish Heritage Society.  A total of six $500 scholarships may be awarded to students of Wendish descent who are currently enrolled in a trade school, college, or university for the spring semester 2015. ...

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Following a brief business meeting, Caroll Scogin-Brincefield will present a program on the role of women in the Civil War. The Civil War was one of the most turbulent periods in America’s History. Texas had the role of a supply state for the Confederate cause because of the...

Now Available: New Research Results

Few people are more strongly associated with the Sorbian emigration movement of the 19th century than Jan Kilian. In 1854 the pastor, born in Doehlen in Upper Lusatia, left his home country for Texas where, along with a large number of fellow Sorb immigrants, he founded the colony...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program News

At the quarterly TWHS Board meeting held on July 19, the board voted unanimously to fund a Texas Wendish Heritage scholarship program for the 2014-15 school year. A maximum of six scholarships of $500 each will be awarded to students who are currently enrolled at a college, university,...