Category: Announcements

Family History Workshop

The next chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky will be on Saturday, November 21 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Peter Building at the museum complex. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple....

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Our annual Christmas party will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at the museum complex.  Following a brief business meeting and election of officers, the party will commence with a Christmas carol sing-along and lots of good refreshments. Bring a plate of your favorite holiday sweet or...

Volunteer Corner

Success for a nonprofit relies on the dedicated efforts of VOLUNTEERS. TWHS is blessed with men, women, young adults, and children who volunteer many hours to its many projects, programs and activities. Of great importance is WENDISH FEST. The number of people who volunteered in the planning, preparing...

Family History Workshop

We are offering another chance for you to work on your own family history with expert guidance from Weldon Mersiovsky, who has many years’ experience in conducting genealogy research. Cost for the workshop is $15 per person or $25 per couple. Bring a sack lunch, your laptop, and...

Quarterly Membership Meeting

Following a brief business meeting, we will continue the theme of the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War as we hear from Walter Penk, acclaimed Veterans Administration researcher into Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Walter will share with us his knowledge of PTSD and its...

Volunteer Corner

We happily say Witajće k’nam to our newest volunteer, Chloe Jane Graefe. Chloe is eleven, lives near the Museum and is a very willing worker! Chloe enjoys being here at the Museum and likes meeting & greeting our visitors while she learns more about the ways of the...

44th Annual Texas Folklife Festival, June 13-14, 2015

Thank you again to Ron Knippa and his group of volunteers for organizing and manning the Wendish booth at the annual Folklife Festival. Ron reported that while the final day was rather wet and rainy, all went well and the visitors had fun and certainly enjoyed eating the...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program (2015-2016)

We are pleased to announce the Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship program sponsored by The Texas Wendish Heritage Society. Scholarships will be awarded in various increments according to funds raised by application submission deadline to students of Wendish descent who are currently enrolled in a trade school, college, or...

44th Annual Texas Folklife Festival

June 13-14, 2015 The 2015 Texas Folklife Festival will be held during June 13-14 on the grounds of the University of Texas at San Antonio’s Institute of Texan Cultures. We will have a booth at the festival, as we have had for many years, thanks to Ron Knippa...

Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

The Texas Wendish Heritage Society is proud to announce that we will award scholarships of up to $500 to students of Wendish descent who are enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Applicants and their parents must also be members of...