TWHS Scholarship Fundraiser Meal on January 26
Come out and be a part of the annual Texas Wendish Heritage Society’s Scholarship Fundraiser Meal on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at the Serbin Picnic Grounds. All proceeds benefit the TWHS Scholarship Fund and we would love to have your support! Each meal ticket comes with: grilled pork steak, cup of Bird Wedding Soup, noodles, corn, green beans, and pickles. Meal tickets are Pre-sale ONLY and will be on sale until January 22, 2024. The meals will be ready for drive-thru pick up at the Serbin Picnic Grounds on January 26, from 10:00am-12:30pm.
You can reserve your meal tickets by contacting us at or 979-366-2441. Pre-sale tickets are either available to buy at the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum or the First National Bank of Giddings.