Wendish Fest Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in sponsoring the 36th Annual Wendish Fest? The Texas Wendish Heritage Society’s Wendish Fest falls on September 22, 2024 this year and takes place from 10AM-5PM at the Serbin Picnic Grounds. If your business is interested in sponsoring the Wendish Fest, contact museum@texaswendish.org or call 979-366-2441 to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities! Sponsorship levels start at $100. Silent auction items will also be considered for sponsorship of the festival.

Sponsorship Levels:
Bronze: $100-250. Sponsor receives: Logo on event signage, Website Listing.
Silver: $250-500. Sponsor receives: Event Sponsor Banner Listing, Sponsor Announcements During Event, Website Listing, Social Media Features.
Gold: $500-1,000. Sponsor receives: All of the above and more.
Platinum: $1,000+. Sponsor receives: all of the above and exclusive signage.
In Kind Sponsor: Email us for more information at museum@texaswendish.org.