Wendish Museum Class Interest Forms

Since photos came out on our Facebook page following last Saturday’s Coffee Cake Baking Class with Joyce Jenke, we have been inundated with requests to be added to a list for next time a class is offered and to host online classes. We have put together some Google Forms to help us get ahold of you when we schedule a new class (see the links below).
In person classes for later this year and for 2024 are in the works and we would love to contact you about it first – help us out by filling out the form below for the class you are interested in and providing your email address. We tried to include information about each class and pricing but that is subject to change as needed depending on the instructor(s) and the supplies needed. Any changes will be communicated when we contact you about an upcoming class.
We are currently exploring options to put on an online course and are talking to the instructors of our awesome classes about it. How can you help make it happen? Fill out one of the forms below and designate that you’d be interested in taking the online version. When we get the class put together and set a date, you’ll be among the first to know.
For the Coffee Cake Class: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-9FrNJvHiqvy2rsXs3i94v5_0VHfSlAwo652RkGYL_PXUXg/viewform?usp=sharing
For the Wendish Easter Egg Decorating class:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI68UQJR2sxQHbcZGhddQfQXiUQBO5jYRfIeS8yOm0TcvrfA/viewform?usp=sharing
For the Noodle Making Class:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoSmHHQJjI4wcttFF5HO5K2hsjN1qC5GlTwgfmYrQ6HUplkg/viewform