Note from the Executive Director

Postcards are available in the museum gift shop, priced at $1.50
What a showcase we have for our many visitors and tours this Spring! The garden is full of beautiful blooms and even the schreck-kräuter survived the unusual winter cold. It is hard to grasp how cold it really was when we compare how our garden looks now in comparison to the picture post card of the December 2017 snow.
We started the 2018 tour season in January and have 18 tours scheduled through August. Groups continue to call for available open dates. We are always pleased to host these groups who are so appreciative of our Wendish hospitality, history and heritage. Each group brings us very special people and we are happy to welcome them and share the only Wendish Museum outside of Germany.
As you will see throughout this edition, special efforts are being made to host our 30th Annual Wendish Fest! Time flies – wonder if it did for the Texas Wends??? We can only hope that our use of time will last throughout the ages as theirs has.
Call us, email us, text us, come see us – we are always happy to speak with a fellow Wend!