Executive Director’s Corner

Bettie Bendewald & Sadie Claxton
What a blessing to have so many volunteers in this past quarter who helped with our garden and the many, many important chores for Wendish Fest! We send a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who assisted in any way!
In addition, there are folks who were willing to provide their time for special needs. We wish to acknowledge Martha Brogdon, who lent her seamstress talents to making new vests for our gentlemen volunteers. These new vests were appreciated for Wendish Fest and will be used by our docents and for special events and activities by volunteers all year long. Martha also sewed caps and aprons for our children to wear in their presentation of the Bird Wedding. These traditional Wendish outfits will be worn for Wendish activities throughout the year. HUGE THANK YOU to you, Martha!
Our Texas Wendish Noodle Recipes Cookbook could not have made its debut on Wendish Fest without the help of a “noodle cookbook crew” who cut, collated and bound over 100 cookbooks – most of which have already sold! HUGE THANK YOU to Kathy Steglich, Judy Dyess, Cindy Heselmeyer, Sandra Matthijetz and Weldon Mersiovsky. This cookbook is gaining popularity as a Christmas “stocking stuffer”. Additional cookbooks are being made. To order your copy or copies, please call us or send an email.

Erin Mitschke & Gavin Fritsche
Amidst all the special projects and Wendish Fest, our day-to-day operations continue. Students from St. Paul Lutheran enjoy lending a hand with stuffing envelopes, organizing and storing items from Wendish Fest for next year, garden work, and providing “extra hands” as needed. HUGE THANK YOU to the staff and students of St. Paul for their willingness to assist – we look forward to their future leadership for the Texas Wendish Heritage Society.
As we move into another quarter we continue to need volunteer time in many areas. We are recruiting docents and will host training for anyone who is interested. Docents serve on a day or days of their choosing from 1-5pm. A new docent schedule begins with each quarter. Being a docent means that you never know who you will meet or where he/she is from, which makes it a great afternoon of interaction with others who appreciate Wendish heritage. Arrangements may be made for docents who prefer to work with another volunteer rather than alone. Please contact the museum to join us – we will welcome and appreciate you!
Our garden has many beautiful offerings which are admired and appreciated by visitors. To maintain its beauty, the garden area needs constant weeding. If this is something you enjoy and would like to spend time with please let us know.
Volunteers are also needed for hosting tour groups. Assistance is needed for cooking, for monitoring museum buildings and manning our gift shop.

St. Paul Lutheran School Students
The Texas Wendish Heritage Society is a participant in numerous activities across Texas that are appropriate for the promotion of Wendish heritage and our museum. Upcoming opportunities include the “500 Forward” Reformation event that will be hosted in Houston by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church and Trinity Lutheran Church on October 28th and 29th. Another opportunity is the Brazos Valley World Fest in College Station on November 18th. If you would like to help man the Texas Wendish Heritage Society booth for either of these events, please contact us at the museum.
Enough cannot be said for our volunteers – just know that each one of you is acknowledged and greatly appreciated. A HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!!