We are blessed to have many volunteers who support our Society and give their time to our projects and programs. Each and every one is greatly appreciated no matter what their role may be. FEATURED VOLUNTEERS in this issue are those individuals who help prepare for and host group tours.

L-R: Joyce Bise, Sandra Matthijetz, Apryle Kappler
It takes numerous volunteers to host tours of St. Paul Church and the museum complex. When serving a meal, additional volunteers are needed. Tour groups are an important source of income for our annual operating budget. Mary Watts serves as TWHS tour chairman and is assisted by the following: Jack Wiederhold, Sandra Matthijetz, Jan Slack, Bettie Horn Bendewald, Cindy Heselmeyer, Kathy Steglich Smith, as well as myself and Apryle Kappler.

Wukasch Wendish Weedfest
Tours begin about 10 -10:30 am with a tour of St. Paul Church, followed by a traditional Wendish lunch that has been prepared by volunteers who begin cooking at 9:00 am. Following lunch, the visitors tour the museum complex and visit the gift shop. Most tour groups are onsite until 2 – 3:00 pm enjoying the only Wendish museum outside of Germany! Of course there is cleanup after the tour so, depending on how many hands are available, dishes are washed and tables are wiped by 3 – 4:00 pm. We receive rave reviews about the meals we serve and the information we share, and gift shop sales also increase! On average, we host 20 tour groups per year – with many of those groups numbering 50-60 people – and most of those tours occur during the spring season. So hats off to our tour volunteers and their willingness to share Wendish hospitality!
Additional volunteers are always needed. Please let us know if you would like to become a tour host volunteer with us. Even if you only have a couple of hours to give, it will be a big help! Volunteers are given the choice of spending time with meal preparation, being a building monitor, demonstrating, or helping in the gift shop. No matter where you volunteer – you never knows WHO you will meet or WHERE they are from! Adding to the fun, you can join us in wearing traditional Wendish attire, because all of our visitors appreciate this. Hope to hear from you soon!
I’d love to volunteer again this year. I worked in the country store last year and would be happy to do that again. Let me know what time.
Thank so much!
We would like for you to work in the Country Store from 2:30 – 4:00pm.
Your time and support is greatly appreciated!