Museum Visitors

The Rudtsch Family from Ingolstadt, Germany
During the months of April, May and June we hosted visitors from Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Utah, Nebraska, Minnesota, Washington, Missouri, Kansas, New Jersey, North Carolina, Australia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Oregon, Germany, Louisiana, and cities and towns across Texas.
Three of the visitors we met recently are Vincent and Aniko Rudtsch and their little son Linus, who are from Ingolstadt, Germany. Vincent and Aniko are former residents of the Mulhrose/Schleife area and Weisswasser in the Gorlitz district in northeast Saxony, Germany. They had been traveling through California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas for the past month, ending their trip with a visit to our museum before heading to Galveston and then Houston for their return flight home.
While touring our museum, Vincent saw a display photo originally taken around 1980 at the Festival of Wendish Culture in Bautzen. The photo shows a Wendish wedding from Heinersbrück featuring his father, Steffen Rudtsch, who is serving as a “Pschosar” or “Wedding inviter” (the person who invites guests to the wedding). What a coincidence that a German visitor would see a family member in a photo at our museum!
They also visited St. Michael’s Lutheran Church and cemetery at Winchester where he saw the gravesite of Johann Noack, a half-brother to Vincent’s Noack ancestors in Germany.