Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program

The Texas Wendish Heritage Society is proud to announce that we will award scholarships of up to $500 to students of Wendish descent who are enrolled in an accredited college, university or trade school for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Applicants and their parents must also be members of the Texas Wendish Heritage Society. A completed application package should include the application form, a one-page pedigree chart, proof of enrollment, and an essay of 1000 words or less. The new application forms are also available in the Museum. The required pedigree chart format is in the application package.

Since preserving our Wendish heritage is very important to all of us, the topic for 2015 – 2016 application is: what would you recommend that the TWHS do to help ensure that the younger generations are aware of and remain interested in our heritage? What steps can be taken to ensure that the TWHS mission remains relevant to the upcoming generations? A review of the Society’s newsletters, or reports about the Wendish Festivals, and talking with society members might help generate ideas for this topic.

This scholarship program has grown because our to-go pork steak fundraiser after the Ptai kwas celebration and the coffee cake auction were all very successful, and we were able to direct those profits into the scholarship program. Another big factor is the growing number of people who are donating toward this program. As families gather for reunions, they might discuss these scholarships and how to honor their ancestors with donations to this fund. Thank you all for supporting the growth of this program that in turn supports our younger Wendish generation.

All application materials must be received by the Texas Wendish Heritage Museum no later than the close of business on July 31, 2015. TWHS will announce the winners by mid-September so these individuals can plan to be present at Wendish Fest on September 27, 2015. If you have any questions, contact the museum at 979-366-2441.

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