Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program News
At the quarterly TWHS Board meeting held on July 19, the board voted unanimously to fund a Texas Wendish Heritage scholarship program for the 2014-15 school year. A maximum of six scholarships of $500 each will be awarded to students who are currently enrolled at a college, university, or trade school for the 2015 spring semester. Applicants and their parents must be current members of the Texas Wendish Heritage Society.
The long-term goal is to increase the level of funding available for this program so that a greater number of scholarships can be offered. Funding sources will include the proceeds from the coffee cake bake-off live auction at Wendish Fest. In addition, the board is considering holding an annual to-go meal fundraiser in early 2015.
Have you ever considered the idea of contributing to a fund to help our younger generation of Wends in achieving their academic goals? Two couples with mutual ties to the Matthes Wukasch family have made just that commitment – to provide funds for an annual $500 scholarship in gratitude for the decision that Matthes Wukasch made to leave his home and move to a different country in search of a better life for his family. If you and your family would like to be part of this worthwhile program, making a similar commitment is yet another way of ensuring that the Texas Wendish Heritage Scholarship Program will continue.